We Are Selling with Lee Woodward

125 - Total Control with Jillian McGrath

Lee Woodward Season 1 Episode 125

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In this podcast episode, Lee Woodward and Jillian McGrath discuss buyer management and how to accelerate a sale. They share techniques such as the "drag out" method, where they convince buyers who are initially uninterested to take another look at a property. They also discuss the importance of preview listings, where potential buyers are invited to view a property before it is officially listed. They emphasize the need for agents to deeply understand their buyers' needs and preferences to sell a property effectively. Additionally, they highlight the importance of thorough marketing materials, such as floor plans and videos, to help buyers make informed decisions. The episode emphasizes the agent's role in guiding and facilitating the sales process.

Hosted by Lee Woodward and brought to you by Lee Woodward Training Systems.

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